
A passing year

"We've learned to handle the future from the efforts of our past."
~A. Hablian


A passage to a New Year

A passage to a New Year

This passing three hundred sixty five days turned with remarkable influence, and each of us will hold a special memory endured throughout the magnitude of the year.

Every second of every minute, every hour of each day within each month, something big was gained! -We've learned to handle the future from the efforts of our past.

Thus, heading into a New Year; we are more confident, determined, intelligent and able to bend more easily without breaking to the obstacles that lie ahead.

Let's continue a resolution to live for each moment, firmly perfecting our existence this New Year for the lifetime of New Year's ahead!

Wishing all acquaintances a Happy New Year...and a lifetime of love, health, and contentment!!

~A. Hablian


True Wisdom

"Wisdom is a gift acquired throughout life, if one is wise enough to notice the lessons learned within one's days!"
~A. Hablian


A new day!

"Why think twice about ones day, tomorrow brings a new day, and 365 new days per year will follow!"
~A. Hablian


Why ponder the news?

"News is either good or bad press, to see results we must press ahead!"
~A. Hablian


Build irresistible teams, and they will come!

"Leaders with inspiring conviction who are admirably purposeful create powerfully irresistible teams!"
~A. Hablian


Keep our World intact!

"Making a positive impact on one another is essential in keeping each other intact!"
~A. Hablian



"To precision through ineffective moments, a simplified reaction may help stimulate a favorable outcome."
~A. Hablian


Gain attention, then speak!

"To speak after gaining the attention of others, allows far greater communication with listeners!"
~A. Hablian


Make a difference!

"We're much more capable when our capacity of courage is expanded!"
~A. Hablian

"One is capable of making a difference, when one desires to expand ones capacity of courage!"
~A. Hablian


Make an impact!

"Connecting with purpose, encourages a connection to remain connected, thus reinforcing the action!"
~A. Hablian


Leading a team further along!

"What makes sense for one, may not make sense for another, thus being sensible while leading the pack will lead the team further."
~A. Hablian




Self improvement!

"Continuous self improvement while leading others, will lead others to self improve continuously!"
~A. Hablian


Extraordinary achievements!

"Rising above mediocrity allows one to exceed expectations, rising above expectations allows one to exceed excellence!"
~A. Hablian



"Put enough nuts together and you get one tough nut to crack!"
~A. Hablian


Adapt or become extinct!

"We may become adversely affected by change, unless we choose to adapt or take action to alter the outcome!"
~A. Hablian


Sky's the limit

"Add a pinch of luck and timing alongside effort, and sky's the limit!"
~A. Hablian


Taking ownership of oneself.

"Allowing one to take initiative over oneself allows ownership, thus inspiring one to continue the art of becoming the best."
~A. Hablian


Laughing out loud!

"Laughing at oneself is healthy, laughing out loud at oneself with others, may be a healthier route to promoting long lasting connections!"
~A. Hablian

Get into the detail!

"Getting into the detail allows one to become detail oriented; a customary practice for those who continuously improve their operations."
~A. Hablian


Actions guide others.

"Our actions set off the actions of others around us, thus act as you would want others to act around you!"
~A. Hablian


Keep going!

"Keep going, because no matter how many mistakes are made, opportunity for lessons learned are in abundance!"
~A. Hablian


4th of July

"4th of July: Forefathers fearlessly fought favoring flawless freedoms forecasting flags flapping forever freely!"
~A. Hablian


Results oriented coaches!

"The best coaches continually exert influence over their best performers to bring out the individuals best, anything slightly less wouldn't guarantee the best results!"
~A. Hablian


A challenging debate!

When appropriately expressing oneself during a debate, words become our shield and sword, allowing our emerging voices to serve, protect, and rise to any challenge!
~A. Hablian


Easy living!

As life rolls out the punches, under all the vulnerability, we must never forget how easy it is to keep going when alive!
~A. Hablian



"A little confidence may point instincts in the right direction, while over confidence may distance one from making the most of their chances!"
~A. Hablian


Choices = Potential

"Life is full of possibilities, choices are either made for us, or we may choose the potential for ourselves!"
~A. Hablian


Making an impact on others!

"What we say can make an impact on others, thus choose your words and conversations wisely!"
~A. Hablian


"What we say can make an impact on others, thus choosing words or conversations wisely could be more impactful!"
~A. Hablian


Improve your career!

"Ask not what your career can do for you, ask what you can do to improve your career!"


Testing ones abilities

"Testing ones abilities within a notable activity, may create the action of influencing others to join in on the challenge!"
~A. Hablian

Earned effort

"In an attempt to win a well deserved competition, one must endure concentrated effort to
achieve what's rightfully earned!"
~A. Hablian


A true underdog

"A true underdog won't lose despite what others perceive, and are in it to own it!"
~A. Hablian


Self promotion

"Leaders who selflessly promote others, encounter self promotion!"
~A. Hablian


A wise tale!

"Good stories never get old, they become wiser with every tale told!"
~A. Hablian


Skill will prevail!

"Suits and ties might please, it's skill which dot the i's and cross the t's!"
~A. Hablian


Smart phone only need apply!

If person has a smart phone, but is not smart, does it make it a phony?

Make it worth!

"Noteworthy work is worth something, while mediocre work isn't worth noting!"
~A. Hablian




"The heart moves to the beat of ones mind, empowering one to achieve vast demands, while encouraging satisfaction to re-beat again!"
~A. Hablian


High quality

"In order for confidence to placed within ones occupation, one must want to be the finest in their industry, the rest will follow!"
~A. Hablian


Attitude thoughts opinion

"Flawed thoughts should be tossed
prior to engaging, as flawed views compromise the very thought of engaging!" ~A. Hablian


Favor and or compliment

"An attitude of approval or a polite expression of praise, may extend relationships throughout one's days!"
~A. Hablian


Continuing education!

Continuous education within ones endeavors is the driving force which moves one forward with elevated exuberance!
~A. Hablian


Give continuously!

There is no such thing as give to take, rather give to allow continuous giving to recur in the same fashion!
~A. Hablian


Wits alongside technology!

Wits vs. technology no longer, human intelligence alongside technology equals impressive results, consider it or remain confined!~A. Hablian
Human intelligence alongside technology equals results, consider the use or remain confined!
~A. Hablian


Take steps on the corporate ladder!

Climbing the corporate ladder by use of an escalator may hinder a leader, since shortcuts prevent a leader from taking steps towards their true potential!
~A. Hablian


Break time!

Break time is essential for our mind, body, and soul, without it, we may break!
~A. Hablian

Do unto others!

Do unto others what you will, anticipating the same or greater in return!
~A. Hablian


Perception not reality!

We are what they perceive!
They are what we perceive!
Change the perception and you change the Person!
~A. Hablian


Make waves to break pressures!

Don't give way to pressures, instead make waves to push pressures away from breaking point!
~A. Hablian

Make great things happen!

An intense desire to make things happen is always a good thing, to make great things happen, is far greater!
~A. Hablian

Express your desire for action!

Expressing your abilities and intentions will allow others to join your cause for action!
~A. Hablian



Open a door for others!

Opening the door for others may be the key to unlocking other doors!
~A. Hablian

Information hounding!

Pursue relentlessly all which may define your character to avidly learn and express endless probabilities!
~A. Hablian


Onward and upward!

Holding on to certain beliefs may hold us back, thus abolishing doubtfulness with certainty allows forward progress!
A. Hablian



Step up!

Step up and lead or be led!

Take a step!

To adjectivally enter a desired course without fail, one must navigate a route prior to taking next steps!
A. Hablian


Leading by example!

Lead by fear and you lead a handful,
Lead by example and the handful you lead will multiply!
A. Hablian


1st place

Achieving 1st place wins the hearts of many, attempting to achieve earns the heart of a winner!
A. Hablian



Influence future generations

We decide how others are influenced, and they decide how to influence others, in some random way it is created then lent or paid forward!
~A. Hablian

Tasteful Leaders!

Successful Leaders create tasteful Leaders such as the Chef who displays the art of palate, and not a plate full.
~A. Hablian

Successful Leaders count on quality!

Successful Leaders create quality leaders, such as an Artist creates a masterpiece, a Composer creates a symphony, creating like a Chef who displays the art of palate, and not a plate full!
~A. Hablian

Self evaluations!

Continuous self improvement of how we lead others, will lead others to follow self improvement continuously!
~A. Hablian



On time!

When we're on time, were ahead of schedule and feel empowered! When we are slow to start, we fall behind and feel withered!

Setting an internal alarm prior to bedtime will wake you prior to any un-natural alarm allowing to wake naturally to take control of the day!

Try it tonight!
Give yourself a time in which you would like to wake. Set your internal alarm 5 minutes prior to any electronic alarm! You will wake prior to your alarm!

A. Hablian


Slow down time

A wise person knows life passes quickly, thus lives vicariously through the early years to live un-irritated in latter years!!!
~ A. Hablian

Life choices

A wise person knows life passes quickly, thus lives vicariously through the early years to live un-irritated in latter years!!!
~ A. Hablian


Growth through the calm!

True Leaders storm through tumultuous weather, producing braver leaders in anticipation of growth through the calm! A.Hablian

True Leaders storm through heavy weather!

Blustery periods are essential in the making of a leader, the course traveled to harness the winds must fundamentally favor recruiting, creating, and positioning new leaders in proximity, allowing growth through denser weather ahead!
~A. Hablian

Information hounding!

Pursue relentlessly all which may define your character! Avidly learn to express endless probabilities!
~A. Hablian

Day 8, 2012 simple acts of laughter!

Ha ha, hardy har har, hee hee, LMAO, LOL, it all creates a sense of living satisfaction!
Breaking the ice, letting off steam, enjoying oneself and the company of others, during work, play, social gatherings, holidays...listen and laugh throughout your existence!

It's simple!

A. Hablian


Day 6, 2012 the underdog!!!

Winning a contest or a tournament is usually not on the mind of the competitor whose perceived by others as less likely to see victory.

This underdog competes as if not to lose! With more at stake, using the power of their heart and soul just about makes it difficult for the choice opponent to actually win.

A true underdog is a person who won't lose despite what others perceive, and are in it to own it!
A. Hablian

Day 5, 2012 slow down time...

I continue to discover that time accelerates swiftly with age. Thus I have slowed the speediness to enjoy my travels more frequently throughout the hustle and bustle.

I consciously translate experiences as if i am living the phrase, life is too short.

The wise and happy person knows how quickly life passes through time thus lives in a socially vicarious manner distinctively throughout their early years, thus living a fulfilled life in latter years.

Sure glad to live to the fullest.
A. Hablian


Defining expectations!

To norm or not to norm, that is the question!

Do we settle with the expected or are we eager to exceed expectations again?

Surpassing ones achievements will lead to far greater prosperity while competing with oneself takes ambitious effort and evident adroitness, hailing testament to infinite influence.

The choice is always our own...
A. Hablian


Day 2, 2012

Defining happiness.....Taking a step back allowing your field of vision and surroundings to become the person or the people amidst your presence. Take an extra ear to those around you and have a listen during conversation, and be in the moment. Capture this silent period of time to understand and discover your distinguished company...clear any thinking in order to introduce the opportunity of giving the utmost attention. You will ascertain a sense of happiness within these moments.